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Along with helpful tips and advice, our veterinary team is happy to share news and stories about Zeeland Veterinary Service.

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Dog Ringworm: What Does Ringworm Look Like on a Dog?

Dog Ringworm: What Does Ringworm Look Like on a Dog?

Although ringworms in dogs may not seem harmful at first, they can cause more significant issues if not treated promptly. Our vets at Zeeland will provide all the necessary information for dog owners to identify and treat ringworms.

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Dr. Susan Myers Elected to the House of Delegates of the American Veterinary Association

Dr. Susan Myers Elected to the House of Delegates of the American Veterinary Association

Congratulations Dr. Myers on your appointment to the AVMA House of Delegates!

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Cat Tooth Extractions: What to Expect & What to Watch For

Cat Tooth Extractions: What to Expect & What to Watch For

Your vet may suggest a tooth extraction if your cat's tooth is beyond repair. Today, our Zeeland vets discuss what to expect from a cat's tooth extraction surgery.

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C-Section for Dogs: Everything You Should Know

C-Section for Dogs: Everything You Should Know

Being there as your dog gives birth can be an incredible experience, but what if she needs a C-section? In this blog, our Zeeland vets discuss the signs of complications during birthing to prepare for your pup's c-section.

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Anesthesia for Dogs

Anesthesia for Dogs

Most dogs are given anesthesia when they are spayed or neutered, and the majority of them will require it at least once throughout their lives. Just like us, our furry friends may need anesthesia for a surgery or procedure. Today, our vets at Zeeland will discuss what you should know about administering anesthesia to dogs.

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Zeeland Veterinary Service Team Meets Next Generation of Vets

Zeeland Veterinary Service Team Meets Next Generation of Vets

The team at Zeeland Veterinary Service always looks forward to meeting students and inspiring their passion for helping animals. We recently welcomed a fourth-grade class to their clinic and visited a local high school's job fair.

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The Importance of Regular Fecal Exams for Pets

The Importance of Regular Fecal Exams for Pets

Annual fecal exams are the best way to defend your pets and your household from parasitic infections. Our Zeeland veterinarians explain what happens during a fecal exam and why they are important to maintaining your pet's health.

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FHO Surgery in Cats

FHO Surgery in Cats

FHO surgery, or a femoral head ostectomy, can be a relatively inexpensive and effective surgical treatment option for hip problems in your cat. Today, our Zeeland vets explain the anatomy of your cat's hips, the kind of conditions that can affect their joint and what is involved in FHO surgery and recovery.

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What cat breeds live the longest?

What cat breeds live the longest?

Although most cats live for 10-14 years or so on average, some breeds of cats do live longer than others. Today, our Zeeland vets list some breeds of cats that tend to live longer lives so you can have your feline companion for many years to come.

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Cavities in Dogs: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Cavities in Dogs: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Dental health issues in dogs can be just as problematic as they are in people. If you've ever developed a cavity in one or more of your teeth, you know they can be uncomfortable. Dogs can develop cavities too and here, our Zeeland vets explain the causes, symptoms and treatments of cavities in dogs. 

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Caring for Pets in Zeeland

Zeeland Veterinary Service is accepting new patients! Our experienced vets are passionate about the health of companion animals. Get in touch today to book your pet's first appointment.

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