Puppy teething can be tough for parents as it causes pain, leading puppies to chew on various objects to find relief. Our Zeeland vets have shared some helpful tips to guide you in supporting your puppy during this challenging phase.
Why is my puppy biting me and chewing on everything?
Similar to human babies, puppies will bite and chew on things while teething to ease the discomfort in their mouths. It may feel like a lengthy process as you constantly safeguard your furniture (and fingers) from their little teeth, but it's crucial to stay calm and remember that they are simply trying to soothe themselves.
When do puppies start teething?
Breeds differ, but generally, puppies get their first teeth around 5-6 weeks old. At around 4 months, your puppy will start losing their sharp baby teeth and their adult teeth will start coming in.
How long does puppy teething last?
When your puppy is around 6-7 months old, they should have all their adult teeth and teething should no longer be a concern. However, until then, our vets at Zeeland have some helpful advice to assist you and your pup during this challenging teething phase.
Store Some Puppy Friendly Teething Toys in the Freezer
Much like teething babies, puppies often find that chewing cold or frozen items helps to relieve teething pain. While there is a range of teething-specific toys available from most pet stores, almost any dog toy can be frozen to help provide relief for your pup. Kongs, rubber bones, and dog-specific soft toys are all great options.
Offer Your Pup Extra Durable Chew Toys
Discover specialized teething bones designed for puppies of all sizes and tastes. Brands like Nylabone offer a range of sizes for small, medium, and large breeds, with added flavors to entice your furry friend. You protect your precious belongings from their curious teeth by redirecting your puppy's chewing instincts towards these delicious treats. This not only promotes healthy chewing habits but also provides relief from teething discomfort.
Edible Teething Sticks for Puppies
Reputable dog food brands have tasty treats and bones for teething puppies. These can help ease your puppy's mouth pain. Your vet might suggest a specific one for your small dog, or you can visit a nearby pet store and pick from various flavors and sizes. Remember to select the appropriate size for your pup to get the best results from the teething treat.
Healthy Frozen Foods For Puppies to Chew
Puppies love chewing on frozen toys and eating frozen treats. You can give them frozen carrots or apple slices, which are safe choices. However, it's important to consult your vet before giving any new human food to your pup.
My puppy keeps biting me, what should I do?
Puppies naturally play by nipping and biting. When one puppy bites too hard, the other puppy will yelp in pain.
If your puppy is nipping and biting you, stopping this behavior early is important. One effective way is to imitate the yelp of a hurt puppy when your puppy bites you. A loud 'ow' in a high-pitched voice should surprise your puppy and make them back off. Remember to reward your puppy when they stop and back off.
If your puppy becomes more aggressive when you use this approach, calmly stop playing with them and either walk away or place them in their crate for some quiet time.
Note: The advice provided in this post is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice regarding pets. For an accurate diagnosis of your pet's condition, please make an appointment with your vet.